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What are the benefits of preference research?

Benefits of Preference Research

What is preference research?

Preference research (PR) encompasses a wide range of methodologies aimed at understanding the preferences, needs, and expectations of various stakeholders in the healthcare system, including patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, and others.

It can broadly be classified into the two categories:

  • Preference Exploration is the use of qualitative methodologies to explore and understand stakeholder preferences, for example patient preferences.

  • Preference Elicitation is where quantitative methodologies are used to elicit and understand stakeholder preferences.

Both Exploration and Elicitation methodologies can be combined to deliver Mixed Methods preference research. This can deliver various benefits dependent on the research need.

What are the benefits of preference research?

"Conducting preference research can support a number of different requirements for life science and digital health companies"

There are lots of benefits of conducting preference research. Below we have outlined some of the benefits to the Life Science Industry and Digital Health Industry.

Strategic input for clinical trial development

  • PR can assist in patient-centric clinical trial designs, identifying endpoints and methodologies so trials reflect what matters most to patients and caregivers. This can lead to increased trial enrolment and retention rates as trials are more aligned with patient needs and expectations.

Evidence Generation and Economic Modelling

  • To guide the design of real-world evidence studies, PR can inform the selection of relevant outcome measures. This enables the gathering of outcomes data that reflect patient and healthcare provider priorities.

  • The findings from PR, especially research that has included payers, can help in creating more accurate and relevant economic models that demonstrates the value of a drug, therapy or digital intervention in terms that matter to decision-makers.

Stakeholder Engagement and Advocacy Support

  • PR can assist in showcasing the stakeholders (patient, caregiver, healthcare professional) voice through collaboration with patient advocacy groups and supporting initiatives that are most meaningful said stakeholders.

  • PR can inform the development of patient and caregiver support programs. By understanding the preferences of patients and caregivers a more effective patient support program and service can be developed, such as adherence programs, educational resources, and digital health solutions, enhancing the overall treatment experience.

Educational Influence and Scientific Communications

  • Insights from PR allow companies to tailor educational materials and programs for health care professionals, patients, and caregivers, ensuring that information is relevant, accessible, and impactful for adherence and compliance.

  • Understanding stakeholders preferences can inform more impactful scientific communications, publications, and presentations that highlight the most relevant value aspects of a therapy and to said stakeholders.

Supportive Evidence to Health Technology Assessments

  • Preference evidence can provide a differentiation in the evaluation process, especially in competitive therapeutic areas; preference data can help differentiate a product based on factors that are most important to patients and payers, beyond traditional clinical endpoints.

  • As such, this form of supportive evidence can enhance a health technology assessment submission by providing additional context which may be key when making a final decision. For example, patients may prefer a therapy which is administered once a month vs one dose a week.

Effective Market Access and Payer Negotiations

  • By understanding the preferences and priorities of key market stakeholders, companies can develop more effective market access strategies that anticipate and address potential barriers to access.

  • Understanding patient and HCP preferences allows for the development of value-based pricing strategies that reflect the real-world value of a therapy to its users.


In summary, their are several benefits to preference research. Although we have covered some of the benefits to the Life Science Industry and Digital Health here, their are many benefits specific to your organisation, which through comprehensive studies can be revealed.

At we have expertise in preference research. Our team members have previously been involved in research for the IMI PREFER initiative.


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Sources & further reading:
  • Soekhai V, Whichello C, Levitan B, et al. Methods for exploring and eliciting patient preferences in the medical product lifecycle: a literature review. Drug Discov Today. 2019;24(7):1324-1331. doi:10.1016/j.drudis.2019.05.001

  • Janssens R, Barbier L, Muller M, et al. How can patient preferences be used and communicated in the regulatory evaluation of medicinal products? Findings and recommendations from IMI PREFER and call to action. Front Pharmacol. 2023;14:1192770. Published 2023 Aug 16. doi:10.3389/fphar.2023.1192770

  • van Overbeeke E, Janssens R, Whichello C, Schölin Bywall K, Sharpe J, Nikolenko N, Phillips BS, Guiddi P, Pravettoni G, Vergani L, Marton G, Cleemput I, Simoens S, Kübler J, Juhaeri J, Levitan B, de Bekker-Grob EW, Veldwijk J, Huys I. Design, Conduct, and Use of Patient Preference Studies in the Medical Product Life Cycle: A Multi-Method Study. Front Pharmacol. 2019 Dec 3;10:1395. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2019.01395. PMID: 31849657; PMCID: PMC6902285.

  • Cook NS, Cave J, Holtorf AP. Patient Preference Studies During Early Drug Development: Aligning Stakeholders to Ensure Development Plans Meet Patient Needs. Front Med (Lausanne). 2019 Apr 24;6:82. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2019.00082. PMID: 31069227; PMCID: PMC6491461.

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